Looking ahead to IASP Seville in 2022
After two years of virtual World Conferences, we can’t wait to get back to in person events in 2022, where we will meet face to face and discover innovation hot spots around the world.
We are delighted that our 2022 World Conference will take place in Seville, Spain, from 27-30 September, with the main theme “Green and digital change powered by innovation: The role of innovation ecosystems”. And to make sure we have the opportunity to discover the local innovation ecosystem, our host Cartuja Science and Technology Park, will be welcoming us to a venue within their park itself, built on the site of Seville’s Expo.
General Manager Luis Perez joined Ebba Lund on the virtual stage on Day 2 of IASP Virtual for a sneak preview of what their city and region has to offer, and to receive the conference flag. In fact, Cartuja STP has received the flag twice for the same event - they were all set to host us in 2020, and took proud possession of the flag at the closing ceremony of IASP Nantes (France) in 2019, but the pandemic sadly forced them to postpone the event. But now everything is set for a fantastic World Conference in 2022.
The MC also revealed the winner of the ‘fastest fingers first’ quiz which ran throughout IASP Virtual, but only after a tiebreaker to test their knowledge of Seville (or how fast they could google!). Jenna Evans (Canada) was first in with the right answer to “which animal hangs from the ceiling of Seville cathedral?”, and she wins accommodation for the weekend after the conference including a guided visit to Real Alcazar, one of three World Heritage sites that you can visit in Seville.
More details of our 39th World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation are coming soon. In the meantime, find out more about the city’s history and culture as well as its green and smart city initiatives, tech focus and entrepreneurial ecosystem in this video, and bookmark the IASP Seville conference website!