Meeting in Nantes for IASP World Conference steering committee
Members of the IASP Nantes Steering Committee travelled to the French city on 9-10 December for a meeting to develop the conference programme.
The scientific programme is now taking shape, with plenary and parallel sessions defined. Potential authors will be notified shortly if their abstract has been approved, and invited to submit a full paper for review by 10 April 2019.
Following the Steering Committee meeting, IASP Director General Luis Sanz and Chief Operations Officer Ebba Lund also met with the organising committee to tour the conference venue and see some of the places that are being considered as locations for the conference social events. Our colleagues at Atlanpole will make an announcement soon, so watch this space for updates!
Under the theme of “The 4th Industrial Revolution: areas of innovation and science parks as key boosters for a successful transition”, the conference will focus on the impact of this new industrial revolution and will be explored under the three thematic tracks:
- STPs & AOIs in the 4th Industrial Revolution: roles, relevance and results
- The 4th Industrial Revolution: impact on people and society
- The technologies driving the 4th Industrial Revolution
IASP Nantes will take place from 24-27 September 2019 and we will keep you updated as the conference programme develops. Don't forget to keep an eye on the conference website or the #IASPnantes hashtag on twitter for further news.