Science communication programme branding strategy

Keywords: marketing
Launch date:
01 January 2016
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
Considering that the PSTP brand is still not known enough in a wide market, one of the Park branding strategy tools is science promotion among local community. Science communicator activities include the ImagineLab centre for science dissemination, the ImaginePicnic, an outdoor scientific event, study visits and open university lectures.
What is the purpose of your solution
The challenge for Poznan Science and Technology Park (PSTP) is to develop and strengthen its status in the local community and become a valuable brand for its clients and city residents. PSTP decided to implement the science communication programme as the CSR tool for targeting a wider audience and to interact with people, making the Park a more open institution. PSTPs mission is to enhance regional development and there is an identified need to explain this to the general public. As PSTP was founded for public benefit, our CSR policy is based on opening up events and facilities to the public. These include the Imagine Lab, the first centre for science dissemination in the region, which performs science experiments, organises workshops, and inspires children to pursue research and innovation careers. There is also the Imagine Picnic, the biggest open-air scientific event in Poznan, offering families the opportunity to participate in experiments. PSTP also organises study visits which familiarize students with labs and the activities of innovative companies, and university lectures in the Poznan Castle Culture Centre, a project which aims to promote research. PSTP also participates in events promoting and popularizing science organised by other institutions: e.g. Poznan Science and Art Festival, EU Funds Open Days, Global Entrepreneurship Week, the Researchers Night, International Science Centre Day and Science on Stage.
What is innovative about it
The PSTP science communication programme is a creative opportunity to fundamentally strengthen PSTP brand and differentiate from other innovation centers while contributing to society at large. It is the most complex knowledge popularization project initiated by a technology park in Poland. Imagine Picnic is the only science oriented event in the region and the Imagine Lab is the only science centre for children. It helps PSTP to become an important and well known entity, making innovation and entrepreneurship valuable and visible for many citizens of Wielkopolska region. Whats also new is smart partnering with other institutions in the region to popularise knowledge and innovation.
What impact has your solution had
PSTP science communication programme is increasingly popular among Wielkopolska citizens, institutions and media. The Imagine Lab located in PSTP has over 20,000 visitors every year (approx. 16000 students and teachers and 4100 individual visitors). Imagine Picnic is increasingly well-known in Poznan and the surrounding area with more than 5,000 participants in 2016. The project generates positive publicity and media opportunities due to media interest in science communication activities, enhancing PSTP brand. 15 study visits are organized every year (250 participants including students, professors, regional and local authorities, companies). Open university lectures attract about 300 participants every year. Open Days of EU Funds attract 150 visitors every year. The Festival of Arts and Sciences co-organized by the Imagine Lab in 2016 saw 250 visitors. New collaborations regarding knowledge popularization started with Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poznan University of Economics, local authorities, local communities. The project is open for new ideas and initiatives, making PSTP a more prestigious place for innovative companies
Who are the main users
Local community: the science communication programme shows the Park mission and activities. School-age children with their parents and teachers: the solution promotes science among youngsters. Students and scientists: the solution promotes the Park brand in academia. Media: the solution gives attractive content for press coverage.
PSTP's PR and marketing department is responsible for development of this solution. However, the entire PSTP staff, including top management is involved in at least part of this initiative by giving new ideas or supporting the logistics of the programme.
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