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Inspiring Solutions
TecnoPARQ, Inova Lácteos Acceleration Program
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-12 at 10.51.40
By tecnoPARQ (Technology Park of Viçosa), Year 2024 Finalist, located in Brazil
Keywords: digital technologies, innovation, networking, startups, sustainability
Main users: Resident companies or institutions
Launch date: 
17 October 2024
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
A program that supports startups in the milk production chain with training, networking, and financial backing. Since 2022, it has impacted over 600 individuals, developed 50+ solutions, and awarded 13 companies with financial support and incubation, enhancing innovation and sustainability in the dairy sector.
What is the purpose of your solution
The purpose of the Inova Lácteos Acceleration Program is to drive innovation in the milk production chain by fostering technological solutions that optimize production, logistics, commerce, industry, and the quality of life of producers. The program bridges university research with the market, Developing innovative businesses that solve real problems in the milk chain. The main objectives are to develop new technologies, products, and services; connect the technological knowledge from the Federal Universities of Viçosa, Lavras, Uberaba, and Juíz de Fora with industry and government; and promote a culture of innovation and technology-based entrepreneurship to promote environmental and economic sustainability in the dairy sector.

An important contribution of the program is the qualification of entrepreneurs, who become capable of managing the business developed through the Acceleration methodology, which takes place in a virtual format with the support of the executors. To ensure the sustainability of the newly created business, the best solutions are rewarded with financial support for technology development, provided by the Minas Gerais Research Support Foundation (FAPEMIG), which also includes 10 months in incubation programs at partner Technological Parks, ensuring the creation of new companies that populate these innovation environments.
The Inova Lácteos Acceleration Program is executed by renowned Federal Universities, recognized for their work in major sectors of agribusiness, particularly in the dairy chain. The pre-acceleration phase is tailored to the dairy sector, featuring a methodology with weekly applied content aimed at entrepreneurial capacity building, assisting in the development and management of startups that provide solutions to the challenges present in the sector. It becomes an initiative that connects entrepreneurs and technologies with rural producers in Brazil. After 8 weeks in the pre-acceleration phase, the best project advance to Incubation, ensuring continuity and technological enhancement.

The solution offers adequate support for entrepreneurs to refine their business ideas and connect them to the end consumer, promoting innovation and sustainability in a simple and efficient manner in the milk production chain.

The Inova Lácteos Acceleration Program seeks to develop new innovative products and services, from the field to the customer's table, promoting the sustainable technification of milk production and the more efficient commercialization of products. Another innovation generated by the program is the connection of entrepreneurs with experts who work directly in the dairy sector, such as producers, cooperative representatives, dairy industry representatives and other actors in the production chain.
What impact has your solution had
The Inova Lácteos Acceleration Program, executed in an online format by the Technological Park of Viçosa (tecnoPARQ), Inova Hub, FAZU and CRITT, has had a positive impact on the milk production chain in Brazil since its first cycle in 2022. Over the course of two editions, it has directly impacted over 600 individuals through mentoring, lectures, workshops and specialized support. More than 50 startups have been pre-accelerated and 13 companies have been awarded with financial support and a 10-month exemption from incubation in the executing Technological Parks, demonstrating the program’s effectiveness in developing new business and innovative solutions.

Over two years, participants in the program have developed more than 50 solutions, including rapid tests for A2 milk, technology to facilitate milking for small producers, telemedicine for veterinary care and milk traceability tools. These solutions have contributed to optimizing production and improving the quality of life for producers, which is essential for the economic viability and sustainability of the milk production chain. The Inova Lácteos Acceleration Program extends beyond impacted individuals and developed companies. It has fostered innovation and entrepreneurship, strengthened university-market relations, driven Technological Park of Viçosa (tecnoPARQ) development, and cultivated an environment of innovation and entrepreneurship in Viçosa region.
Who are the main users
The beneficiaries of the solution are industries, dairy producers, professors, researchers, students, and entrepreneurs who aim to develop innovative solutions for the milk production chain. Its goal is to improve both qualitatively and quantitatively the production of milk in Brazil, one of the main domestically consumed products.
Who runs it
The Inova Lácteos Acceleration Program is led by a partnership between the Milk and Dairy Innovation Agency, Technological Park of Viçosa (tecnoPARQ), InovaHub, the Technological Park of Uberaba, and the Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer (CRITT).
For more solutions from IASP member tecnoPARQ (Technology Park of Viçosa) click here