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31st IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation

Creating the Foundation for a Science City Network: Using the Global Continuum, Innovation and Cultural Diversity as an Economic Strategy

2013_07_23_Poster 2013 Doha_FINAL_low
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Kevin Johns
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    October 2014
  4. Place of publication
    Doha, Qatar
  5. Number of pages
Austin is seeking interest from IASP and Economic Development Directors to create a Science City network of select U.S. and International cities that will be linked to global science parks and other soon-to-be established science cities. In 2012, Austin was successful in obtaining approval from the International Association of Science Parks (IASP) to designate Austin as the first Area of Innovation/science city. In seeking the designation, Austin committed to develop a global network of other Areas of Innovation and science cities as a means to strengthen the economic collaboration between these cities. \n\nWe are presenting an opportunity for innovative cities to join this initial network of U.S. and global science cities. And IEDC has graciously offered to provide space and facilitate invitations and discussions at the International Conference. This is an opportunity for Austin and cities with technology and creative clusters to visit and discuss interest in exploring the creation and value of a Science City network that capitalizes on creativity and immigrant culture.
  1. Conference name
    31st IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks: Where Technology Goes to Work
  3. Location
    Doha, Qatar
  4. Conference start date
    19 October 2014
  5. Conference end date
    22 October 2014