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29th IASP World Conference 2012

Does the location in a Science and Technology Park Influence University-Industry relationships? Evidence from a peripheral region

2011_05_31_Poster 2012 Tallinn_FINAL_low
Document type:
Conference Paper
4.60 €
  1. Authors
    Madelon von Oostrom
  2. Co-authors
    Hugo Pinto,
    Manuel Fernández-Esquinas,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    June 2012
  5. Place of publication
    Tallinn, Estonia
  6. Number of pages
This article investigates the role of firm location and absorptive capacities in university industry interactions. The study observes firms in Science and Technology Parks (STPs) and other spaces of a regional innovation system. It focuses on the effects that location has in establishing diversified interactions, in comparison with other firm traits usually associated to drawing from universities. The empirical basis for the analysis is a face-to-farce survey to 737 firms in Andalusia. Descriptive analysis and regression models have been used in order to detect specific influences coming from the quality of the space and firm traits on five dimensions of university-industry interactions. The results show that being located in a STP has an influence only on developing informal contacts and human resources training. In contrast, other characteristics of both the location and the firm have an influence on using university services and engaging in R&D collaboration. The study provides evidence on the importance of certain qualities of space, including closeness to universities and existence of specialized institutions.
  1. Conference name
    29th IASP World Conference 2012
  2. Conference theme
    Science and Technology Parks: Serving the Companies and the Innovation Community
  3. Location
    Tallinn, Estonia
  4. Conference start date
    17 June 2012
  5. Conference end date
    20 June 2012