RECORDING - IASP WEBINAR: "New trends in science park services"
- Authors
- Co-authors
- Publisher
- Publication dateJune 2018
- Place of publication
- Number of pages4
- Keywords
- Technology sectors
Free for IASP members!
Fredrik Larsson, Digital Strategist & Communication Manager at Science Park Mjärdevi, explores all the latest trends and how science park services are adapting to them.
We are all affected by the megatrends digitalization, urbanization, and globalization. What has that meant for Science Parks and their service offer? At Science Park Mjärdevi wrote a completely new strategy three years ago, and they are now are working on the implementations. In this webinar, Fredrik Larsson will share insights about the trends, how Science Park Mjärdevi used them to formulate their new vision and mission and what that means to their operations.
- IASP members, log in to access the webinar for free
About the speaker
Fredrik has been working with communication, marketing, and digital strategies for over a decade, with experience in developing brands and operating in a digital context. One of his main focuses has been how digitalization connects the operation of companies and organizations with their communication and brand, both in the private and public sectors. Currently, he works at Science Park Mjärdevi, one of Sweden's biggest and oldest science parks, where he is part of the team rebranding the park and implementing the its new strategies for supporting the brilliant minds of the future.
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