Landvetter Södra
Landvetter Södra is a company which has the task of leading, developing and marketing Landvetter Södra - a sustainable city from the ground up. With the key words innovative, modern, international and human, the city of the future must be created. The company was founded in January 2018 due to the need to find solutions to the prevailing housing shortage, the climate challenges and the need for sustainable solutions in urban development. Landvetter Södra has, by the government, been named one of nine interesting urban development projects in Sweden. Their ambition is to become a role model and part of a national expo for sustainable urban development from the beginning.
Located in Härryda municipality in Sweden, it is one of Western Sweden's largest and most innovative urban development projects. Its location is strategic because it will be built in close connection with Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport and Airport City. It is situated between Gothenburg and Borås, the two largest towns in the west of Sweden, which in the next 15 years will have a labour market region encompassing 1.75 million inhabitants.
All three dimensions of the Sustainable Agenda of 2030 of the United Nations are considered: economic, ecological and social are taken into account in the project and it is about organization, as well as method and material choices. In their expressions of interest, all companies were asked to state how they intended to work with sustainability and Agenda 2030 if they were to be selected to be part of the consortium.
- NameLandvetter Södra
- LocationMölnlycke, Sweden

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- Main technology sectors
- TypeArea of Innovation
- Member categoryAffiliate