Area Science Park
AREA Science Park is a science and technology park located in the region of Trieste, Italy. Originally founded in 1982, AREA’s main objective is to provide a link between the business community and the various top of the range international scientific institutions in Trieste. AREA Science Park has a total of 23,000 sq. metres of laboratory space available for tenancy, all of which comes equipped with bespoke and specialised apparatus in addition to offices and various service facilities (Conference Centre, meeting rooms, teaching labs, cafeteria, etc.) An additional area of about 1,500 sq metres is currently available for new activities.
In addition to the services mentioned above, AREA Science Park provides a variety of other business development services along with support including: information and computers, legal, fiscal and accounting consultancy, engineering and plant technology, occupational health and safety, marketing and promotion, information and assistance on EU programmes. Furthermore, there is a variety of incentives for small and medium sized companies that are aiming to engage contractually with the park. These incentives may be direct (contributions to cover costs, in capital or towards interest payments) or in other forms of support (purchase of hired instruments, fellowships, assistance and consultancy services).
- NameArea Science Park
- LocationTrieste, Italy

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- Main technology sectorsName:BiotechnologyName:EnergyName:EnvironmentName:Health & PharmaceuticalsName:ICT & CommunicationsName:Materials
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull