Ann Arbor SPARK

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Background information

Ann Arbor SPARK is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of economic and employment opportunities in Washtenaw and Livingston counties located in South East Michigan, USA. Ann Arbor SPARK aims to advance the economy of the Ann Arbor region by establishing it as a desired place for innovation, business location and growth, and for highly skilled workers to live and work. In order to establish Ann Arbor as an innovation district, Ann Arbor SPARK provides business development services including relocation and expansion plans as well as entrepreneurial services such as that drive the development of technology start-ups by shortening the time required to attract capital, talent, customers, and other strategic resources.

One of SPARK’s primary objectives is to bring together private and public partners, like the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), Michigan Works! Association, city and municipal partners, University of Michigan, and others to support the growth of companies and the creation of jobs in Washtenaw and Livingston counties. SPARK has a contractual partnership with the Economic Development Council of Livingston County (EDCLC) to provide economic development services to businesses in the area. The EDCLC Board oversees the work that Ann Arbor SPARK does to advance the economy of Livingston County. This partnership leverages project-based and strategic economic development services in the region through proactive outreach to local businesses in Livingston County that result in value-added services and connections.

  1. Name
    Ann Arbor SPARK
  2. Location
    Ann Arbor, United States
  1. Website
  2. Twitter profile
  3. Main technology sectors
    Advanced Services in Technology Transfer
    ICT & Communications
    Manufacturing and Automation Technologies
    Military and Defense
    Software Engineering
  4. Type
    Area of Innovation
  5. Member category