
UFRJ Technology Park companies provide technologies to the UFRJ Pediatrics Institute

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The technologies from Lemobs and ProntLife are intended to support care and academic training.
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Lemobs and ProntLife, resident companies of the UFRJ Technology Park, have signed a partnership agreement to provide technologies to support care and academic training at the UFRJ Pediatrics Institute (IPPMG). The resources, totaling R$1 million, come from counterpart funding from these companies.

The meeting point for the celebration was Inovateca, our Rubik's Cube-shaped building, and was attended by representatives of the aforementioned institutions, including: Romildo Toledo, executive director of the park; Sérgio Rodrigues, founding partner of Lemobs and ProntLife; Giuseppe Pastura, general director of IPPMG; and Marcos Chaves, head of the Business Incubator at Coppe/UFRJ.

 “We came to add value. The hospital is going through a very positive moment with the entry of EBSERH, a public company linked to the MEC that provides health services and support for education in 40 federal university hospitals, and our role will be to complement this digital transformation, with innovations for academic training”, said the founding partner of the startups.

“I am the father of a two-year-old girl and in a few days I will have a boy. Any human being who visits the pediatric hospital is moved by the dedication and care of the professionals involved. We have wanted to do something impactful for UFRJ for a long time, out of gratitude and purpose. Technology can support care in many ways, in service, communication and also in academic education.”

Based in the technology park, Lemobs and Prontife originated from laboratories of the Systems and Computer Engineering Program at Coppe, and have accumulated extensive expertise in the development of online technologies for health. One example is the Minha Saúde app, which was launched during the pandemic to help the population and municipalities assess symptoms that could signal COVID-19. 

The technological solution was adopted by several Brazilian municipalities, starting in 2020, and in recent months it was adapted and implemented at Petrobras to better assess the health and well-being of its employees. Today it is the subject of this cooperation agreement with IPPMG.


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