Norwich Research Park
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Background information
Norwich Research Park (United Kingdom) is an STP divided in four specialist research institutes, a teaching hospital, and a top 20 university. The cluster specialises in food and nutrition, and crop production and resilience, applied to the effects of climate change and improvements to human health. Norwich Research Park was designed to encourage cooperation and collaboration in the community, by providing an environment in which research-based business can emerge and grow.By offering both virtual and physical tenancies, the park has grown a community of over 40 companies, providing high-spec offices and laboratories as well as mentors, training, funders, and facilities. Said facilities are available to academics and business, creating an ecosystem which stimulates ideas and delivers innovation.
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- NameNorwich Research Park
- LocationNorwich, United Kingdom

- Twitter profile
- Main technology sectorsName:Genetics and Genetic EngineeringName:Other Environmental Science and TechnologyName:Other Food Science and TechnologiesName:Other Health and Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryFull