Breakthrough in cancer medicine - NVision presents Polaris device in the new research and development building
PEG congratulates NVision on the presentation of its Polaris device. We are delighted that we were able to support this innovative product, which is very valuable for patients, by building a laboratory building. PEG's expertise in developing and implementing tailor-made premises was one of the building blocks for this success.
The new Polaris machine from NVision heralds a breakthrough in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and cancer medicine. Why? One way to tell cancer cells from normal cells is to examine the metabolism of the cells, ie the way the cells generate and use energy. To do this, a metabolic agent must be modified so that it lights up in the MRI. The agent is then injected into the patient, and the MRI is used to see if and where in the body the agent is metabolized in a way typical for a particular kind of cancer cells. The problem is that until now, modifying metabolic agents has been a laborious process carried out in specialized laboratories, and while waiting to be applied to a patient, the agent quickly loses its ability to be visible in MRI. Enter NVision's Polaris. Using clever quantum technology and chemistry, this machine can modify agents on demand in just a few minutes, and it can be placed right next to the MRI machine. The technology behind Polaris therefore has the potential to revolutionize the use of MRI in cancer medicine. One caveat: the version of Polaris just unveiled only produces quantities large enough for small animals. Yet, this is already of great use in research. And stay tuned for the next generation of Polaris designed for use in hospitals with human patients.
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