Harmonizing business with science and technology

Keywords: equality, knowledge sharing, startups
Main users: Wider community
Launch date:
01 October 2020
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
Harmonizing science and technology to enhance local agriculture businesses, the initiative brings the supporting ecosystem into park services, from idea creation to business launching. The outcome is to enable people to live with their way of life while adding sustainable value to their business and increasing local competitive advantages.
What is the purpose of your solution
Agriculture is one of the major sectors in the southern region of Thailand. However, the GDP from this sector has been declining and Thai farmers have been struggling to compete in the international market. The ‘Harmonizing business with science and technology’ concept aims to find a new way to develop and sustain this sector by creating activities that encourage local farmers/entrepreneurs to seek for new opportunities from local products. We aim to create sustainable business and boost local competitiveness.
We align the concept of "harmonizing science and technology with business" with our services' mechanism. We apply science, technology, and innovation in our services helping local entrepreneurs to enhance their businesses' competitiveness. For example, from our show case in the VDO, we bring local farmers into a series of our services from idea creation workshop, encouraging them to create new value from raw materials to connect their business with an international market. Our concept can be adapted in other science parks and areas of innovation that have similar conditions.
What impact has your solution had
We have enhanced networking, innovative and economic performances of the region. From the 1st of October 2019 to the 1st of October, 2020, there were 1,031 entrepreneurs in our service mechanism. In 5 years, we estimate that these entrepreneurs can generate income up to 1,270 million Thai Baht, create 1,082 jobs and form 1,237 collaborative networks.
Who are the main users
Local entrepreneurs with a focus on food and agriculture sector
Who runs it
Service platform at Science Park
For more solutions from IASP member Prince of Songkla University Science Park click here