Joint International Strategy Group

Keywords: internationalisation, networking
Main users: Wider community
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
The Joint International Strategy Group is formed of the main representative of the principal institutions of the city of Malaga, which include: the University of Malaga, the City Hall, the Chamber of Commerce, the Entrepreneur Confederation, Malaga Council, the newspaper Sur, a business incubator (European Business and Innovation Centre of Malaga), and the provincial delegation of ICEX Spain delegation export and investments and the managing body of the PTA. The methodology of the Joint International Strategy Group is based on the common design, implementation and follow-up of the following activities: - Planning of international events (trade missions) - Calendar of events including the international actions of each member - Design and use of common tools. Every year, a schedule of meetings between the members of the group is planned to discuss the international measures planned and review possible activities to be carried out jointly. Furthermore, common tools are created to place the city in a global environment.
What is the purpose of your solution
The Joint International Strategy Group was created in 2011 as a response to a common desire of the major actors in the city to develop an medium and long-term international strategy. It arose from the fact that each body was developing its own international plan. A common international strategy was created in order to solve the following problems: Overlapping of activities Lack of coordination between local actors regarding the internationalization of the city Overspending of economic and human resources available.
What is innovative about it
Internationalization of cities has become a requirement and a need. The Joint International Strategy Group has proved that the union of the main city bodies means better and more efficient planning of international activities, which have put Malaga "on the world map". This group is allowing the city to create an increasingly important place for itself at an international level and to establish new institutional and business links. Similar groups could be created worldwide in order to enhance collaboration and effectiveness in communication and activities.
What impact has your solution had
Some notable effects of the groups work are an efficient and credible international strategy that develops activities and initiatives which turn into concrete results. These include: - The city boasts a projection and international visibility as a "brand" of city, - Participation in national and international events both general and thematic, - The city collaborates with overseas partners for the achievement of specific projects (sister cities, foundations, etc...), - Attracting investment, tourism and international trade to develop the economy of Malaga, industry and local services, - Several trade missions to the USA, Morocco, and Russia have been organized with the collaboration.
Who are the main users
Citizens, enterprises, academic world, governments, administrations, authorities, communities, participating entities.
Who runs it
The Joint International Strategy Group in collaboration with the University of Malaga, City Hall, Chamber of Commerce, Entrepreneur Confederation, Malaga Council, Newspaper Sur, the European Business and Innovation Centre of Malaga (a business incubator), the ICEX Spain Delegation (responsible for exports and investments), and the managing body of the Technological Park of Andalusia (PTA).
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