29th IASP World Conference 2012
Knowledge hubs, challenges ahead for Arab spring
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
- AuthorsFullNameWithTitle2:Mohamed Shokry
- Co-authors
- PublisherIASP
- Publication dateJune 2012
- Place of publicationTallinn, Estonia
- Number of pages17
- Keywords
- Technology sectors
This study suggests that the functions that the Egyptian society commonly attributes to the universities and research centres are expected to be shared with a wide range of institutions in the context of the knowledge-based economies after 1/25, to create an innovative learning environment for its local community. Within such a context, the paper is trying to raise a group of arguments: \n- To what extend can the concept of Knowledge Hubs help the Egyptians to transfer into a leading democratic society? \n- What are the expected risks associated with the Knowledge Hubs script in reviving community afterheat a huge political shift, facing extraordinary challenges such as poverty alleviation and economic reform? \n- Which urban setting for the emerging KH fits more the Egyptian case: Science Parks, IBED or Research Intensive Clusters (RIC) \n\nAlso, using SWOT analysis approach to formulate and evaluate four expected scenarios for the intended "knowledge hubs" concept in Egypt.
- Conference name29th IASP World Conference 2012
- Conference themeScience and Technology Parks: Serving the Companies and the Innovation Community
- LocationTallinn, Estonia
- Conference start date17 June 2012
- Conference end date20 June 2012