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32nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation

Multicultural social Living LABS in second tier Chinese cities: how to accelerate sustainable, smart city focused urban development through the promotion of local public and foreign private interaction

Beijing 2015 poster
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Nuria Celorio
  2. Co-authors
    Chris Golden,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    September 2015
  5. Number of pages
Multicultural: People from Asia and Western countries co-creating new innovative solutions and business opportunities Socially responsible: Projects that address global problems through mobilizing resources to have a socially constructive and sustainable impact, at the local, regional and global level Smart cities: A developed urban area that creates sustainable economic development and a high quality of life by excelling in multiple key areas; economy, mobility, people, living, and government. Excelling in these areas can be done through strong human capital, social capital and/or ICT infrastructure1. Zhongxijiehe Living LAB: the methodology co-created by Eseune to create opportunities out of new trends such as micro-multinationals and born-global companies, through mobilizing multicultural education resources Second tier cities in China: Those cities in China that are not the larger mega-cities, such as Chongqing or Shanghai though some may be regional capitals, that are already industrialized and urbanized, and in the context of this project are welcoming of new living and working environments in order to increase their citizens quality of life.
  1. Conference name
    32nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks and Areas of Innovation: New Technologies, New Industries, New Communities
  3. Location
    Beijing, China
  4. Conference start date
    22 September 2015
  5. Conference end date
    25 September 2015