
FGKD24 explores expanding knowledge district models

23 May 2024
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FGKD24 aimed to discuss a new, broader model of fourth-generation knowledge districts.

Experts and professionals from the innovation space community convened at the FGKD24 Conference in Campinas, Brazil, on 20-21 May to discuss the evolving concept of knowledge districts.

Organised by the Center for Studies on Urbanization for Knowledge and Innovation (CEUCI) at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, the event marked the institution's first international conference.

FGKD24 aimed to discuss a new, broader model of fourth-generation knowledge districts, expanding the traditional technology park model to include societal and environmental considerations. Topics covered included urban design and planning, sustainability and ecosystems, economic and social development, and placemaking.

The conference featured insights from innovation districts and cities in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway and Spain, including IASP member Parque Científico e Tecnológico da Unicamp.

IASP’s Laura Monasterio led a workshop on strategic decisions and good practices in managing innovation environments. Laura introduced the IASP Strategigram®, a tool for analysing and mapping the strategic profiles of science and technology parks. The tool enables organisations to align their strategies and enhance the effectiveness of their innovation ecosystem. She highlighted the innovation ecosystem in Malaga as a case study for the workshop.

The event also included the launch of the TC4 Network, aimed at connecting municipalities interested in developing fourth-generation knowledge territories in Brazil. The launch was attended by the Mayor of Campinas, Dario Saadi, and other regional public managers.

The video of the full conference is available, in English, on the FGKD24 website.

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