
tecnoPARQ inaugurates labs to boost Viçosa tech innovation

05 July 2024
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The lab openings coincided with a Cities of the Future agreement signed between Viçosa municipality and the state government.

IASP full member Viçosa Technology Park (tecnoPARQ) and the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) have inaugurated two new labs, marking a step forward for technological innovation in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. 

Launched on 3 July, the official opening of the Viçosa Smart and tecnoMaker Labs was accompanied by the signing of a "Cities of the Future" agreement between the Viçosa municipality and the state government.  

The Viçosa Smart Lab focuses on sustainable digital transformation and urban development, while the tecnoMaker Lab provides a space for prototyping and experimentation, facilitating the growth of innovative projects and technology-based companies. 

Key figures at the event, including UFV's rector, Professor Demetrius David da Silva, and tecnoPARQ CEO, Adriana Ferreira de Faria, emphasised the importance of these new labs in supporting local startups and research initiatives. 

Adriana, who is also IASP’s Latin American Division president, said, "This laboratory is completely open to our community. It is a crucial moment for our partner companies and our academic community." 

The initiative is expected to foster significant economic and social development in the region, reinforcing UFV's role as a leading institution in science, technology, and innovation.  

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