Calling for new data on the global science park industry
IASP brings together an extensive international network of innovation ecosystems, and as such we are ideally placed to study and examine science park industry trends and figures at a worldwide level.
STPs, areas of innovation and innovation districts are in constant evolution, with new models developing, new value-added services offered, and space put to different and innovative use to meet the needs of the latest technologies.
All of these ongoing developments in the industry make it all the more important to have up-to-date statistics reflecting the current situation in STP member parks.
So we invite member science parks and areas of innovation to check your inbox for a personalised link to complete the IASP General Survey 2018. When we have received your data, we will conduct an in-depth analysis to provide you with a comprehensive overview of STP/AOIs on an international scale, providing insight and useful indications on the situation on a global scale.
Science park and innovation district managers will be able to use this report both to understand the evolution of our industry and to compare their own organisation to global trends. The more responses we receive, the more comprehensive and valuable the survey report will be!