Explore “The Human Factor” at IASP Sevilla
The Call for Contributions for our next World Conference is now open!
IASP Sevilla will take place from 6-9 October 2020 in Seville, Spain, hosted and organised by our colleagues at PCT Cartuja. For your chance to speak to an audience of innovation ecosystem experts from around the world, you can submit a paper proposal by November 20th.
The theme of IASP Sevilla will be “The human factor: people, communities and their innovation ecosystems” and potential speakers are invited to share their insights into the strategic implications of adopting a human-centred philosophy in our industry.
In the global knowledge economy, educated, skilled and creative individuals have become the greatest asset for companies, and the new spaces built for these companies must be designed with the needs and preferences of individuals in mind. To succeed in their mission to provide the best location, facilities and environment for knowledge-based companies, science parks and areas of innovation must create environments that are attractive to people as well.
Sessions will explore different aspects of this question, including the future of jobs, how innovation ecosystems can help adapt education to these jobs of the future, attracting and retaining diverse talent, and the philosophy and ethics of technological development and how it affects the mission of STPs and AOIs.
We also welcome contributions addressing the changing role of incubators as they support entrepreneurs, partnerships between startups and big corporates, and the profile of new innovation ecosystem professionals and the type of mindsets and skills they need as managers of talent and networks.
New for the 2020 conference, after the abstract selection round paper authors will have two options for submitting a paper, with different requirements specified for practitioners and for academics.
You can find full details at www.iasp2020sevilla.com/Callforcontributions.
Whether or not you plan to submit a paper proposal, save the date and join us in Spain next year to discover the innovation ecosystem, history, culture and gastronomy of Seville! Keep an eye on the IASP website and the hashtag #IASPsevilla on social media for all the latest updates.