Make your contribution to IASP Isfahan
There is still one week left to submit an abstract for the chance to put your organisation on the map at the 35th IASP World Conference, which will take place from 2-5 September 2018, hosted and organised by Isfahan Science and Technology Town, Iran.
As there wasn’t much time after our return home from Istanbul, many of you have asked us for a little longer to prepare your abstract. You now have until November 8th to submit a 800-1200 word paper proposal: to see which theme is the best match for your paper and for details on how to submit it, have a look at the Call for Contributions.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals will be at the heart of the debate IASP Isfahan, with a focus on the role of science parks in creating sustainable cities and communities and fostering innovation ecosystems.
Some of the themes you can choose for your paper proposal include:
- How can new age STPs and AOIs contribute to the development of sustainable cities?
- What are the opportunities for STPs, AOIs and cities in disruptive technologies such as 3D printing, virtual reality, AI and IoT?
- What urban and social challenges can be addressed by STPs and other areas of innovation? How can they foster communities with integrated policies towards sustainability?
- New trends or innovations in business incubation, acceleration and spin-off: how can entrepreneurship support growth and sustainability in STPs and AOIs?
At IASP conferences we welcome contributions from many different organisations such as chambers of commerce, development and funding agencies, industry associations, networks, venture capital, etc so please feel free to share this message with any contacts you may have in these or who work in fields related to sustainability, innovation communities, city development or the SDGs.
To find out more about the city of Isfahan and preparations for the conference, please visit