Strategy and Roadmap for the Establishment of the Andorra Innovation District
Andorra Innovation District
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IASP has been commissioned by Andorra Research + Innovation to carry out the Strategy and the Roadmap for the establishment of the Andorra Innovation District (AID).
Andorra Research + Innovation was created in May 2021 with the aim of generating and promoting knowledge, providing innovative solutions for sustainable development and contributing to the diversification of the Andorran economy. In the context of the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategy presented in October 2021 to the Economic Committee of the General Council of the Principality of Andorra, the work plan and prioritization of actions to be implemented has been initiated.
- Review of the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategy and other relevant documentation pertinent to economic development, innovation and technology, etc. Mapping of key priority areas, key actors, infrastructure, and resources.
- Elaboration on the aspects discussed in the international benchmarking analysis developed by IASP in June 2022 with the use of the Strategigram tool and prioritization of areas of intervention and support (smart specialization).
- Interviews with key stakeholders in Andorra’s innovation ecosystem, including government and research, academic, entrepreneurial, and financial actors in the country.
- Elaboration of the Strategy for the development of Andorra Innovation District.
- Elaboration of Roadmap for the establishment of the Andorra Innovation District.
Consortium members
- Start date:15 November 2022
- End date:28 February 2023
- Reference:
- URL:
- Overall budget
- Project financing
- Project funding
- EU financing
- Research area:
- Programme:
- Challenge:
- Social medias: