
Keywords: networking, STEM
Launch date:
01 January 2020
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
a2Tech360 is a 10-day series of tech-related events connecting key community actors who enrich the Ann Arbor region innovators, researchers, investors, businesses, academic institutions, non-profits, job seekers, and the general public. a2Tech360 is marketed to tech companies and workers to attract them to Ann Arbor, growing and strengthening our economy.
What is the purpose of your solution
a2Tech360 shows the variety, density, and quality of innovation-based businesses in the Ann Arbor region, dispelling the myth that tech businesses cant be successful in the Midwest. By creating an immersive experience, where attendees can participate in a walking tour of Ann Arbors tech corridor featuring open houses at the companies located downtown, attend events and symposiums, and meet tech experts and investors all in one 10-day long event Ann Arbor SPARK and its partners are bolstering the brand image of our region and creating an opportunity to market our strengths and assets outside of this region. The events, created by Ann Arbor SPARK and partners including University of Michigan, MI-HQ, Michigan Angel Community, Washtenaw Community College, and industry and non-profit partners, are marketed heavily through Google AdWords, radio, print, TV, public relations, mobile advertising, and geotargeting to tech hubs and tech workers outside of this region, are a key asset in driving Ann Arbor SPARKs mission to advance the economy in our region.
What is innovative about it
Marketing efforts for a2Tech360 very successfully generated awareness of the Ann Arbor region as an area of innovation. Metrics include: 6000+ event registrants 1+ million social media impressions 42,000+ views of promotional videos 92,000+ emails received by those on our mailing lists 36,000+ unique views to website 100+ high tech company participated in a2Tech360 events Event attendees came from 31 different states and 15 countries. For businesses, a2Tech360 was a way to differentiate themselves from competitors, with customers, partners, and potential employees. Visitors to their workplaces and their presentations heard compelling messaging that showcased their expertise and made them stand out in a way that benefitted their recruiting efforts as well as their sales. For job seekers, a2Tech360 showed that Ann Arbor isnt a place youll get a job and be ""beached"" without other opportunities, and also that the innovative work and working environments often associated with larger metros can be found in a place that offers quality of life and affordable living. Please see think link for more information on a2Tech360 activities, marketing, and impact: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fy3359846g632m0/a2Tech360%202020%20Presentation_5_6_2020.pdf?dl=0
What impact has your solution had
Modeled loosely on the successful SXSW program, Ann Arbor SPARKs a2Tech360 is new for the Midwest and definitely new for our community. Before a2Tech360 and its signature event, Tech Trek, a walking tour of our innovation corridor, we often heard from the community who didnt work in tech they were completely unaware that Barracuda, Expedia, and other global tech brands had offices in Ann Arbor above their favorite shops, bars, restaurants. a2Tech360 was a unique opportunity to market that activity and the economic benefits having a robust business-focused economy here. More importantly for economic development, being able to promote Ann Arbor as an area of innovation to those outside of our region attracts attention from those who might lump our region in with ""flyover territory"". Showing that Ann Arbor has a broad and deep range of tech activity makes it attractive to tech startups and powerhouses, like KLA, alike. Attracting tech and tech workers to our science park shores up our solid foundation and sets us up for future economic growth and prosperity.
Who are the main users
The entire Ann Arbor community is involved in a2Tech360, from the general public that attends its events, especially Tech Trek, to the participating companies and our partners producing events that are part of our programming. The event brings together those who are passionate about creating a successful area of innovation in this region to celebrate successes and support each others long-term potential.
Who runs it
Ann Arbor SPARK manages and curates content a2Tech360 content, however, included in the programming are events produced by academic, government, industry, and non-profit partners. Ann Arbor SPARK is responsible for the significant strategic, integrated marketing that makes the event a success and a critical support tool for our mission.
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