Ruta N, Year 2015 Finalist, located in
Keywords: inclusivity, knowledge sharing
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
The Comuna Innova programme was built in three main steps. The first one is an ideation step where an opportunity was given to the community to postulate initiatives that can improve their quality of life. To do so, motivation and a divulgation journey were made through a strategy called Caravana de la Innovación where personnel associated to the programme visited different suburbs of the city to invite them to participate in the programme. After that, different participation channels were enabled to the community as online mailboxes and portals, where people from different suburbs could postulate their exchange of ideas and vote for the people that they considered able to be materialized. The most voted ideas were evaluated for an expert committee in innovation and development project to select the ones with higher viability and impact. The second step consisted in the selection of innovative products and services proposals motivated for the selected ideas in the previous step. To do so, invitations were sent to participate in the different items that constitute the academic and business offer of the city. Then they can choose the innovative solutions of higher impact to the community that allow to materialize the ideas that they postulated. The last one is the construction step and delivery of innovative products to the community, which looked to make available to the community under the entities administration that ensure its sustainability, the different innovative solutions motivated for the ideas proposed by members of the same community.
What is the purpose of your solution
Comuna Innova is an innovation programme of the community, for the community, developed by the Corporación Ruta N. The solution looks to help to change Medellin´s city into a place where people can spread and take for themselves the innovation, by letting the people participate in the ideation processes that can help to place products and services to improve their quality of life. Also, this programme is working to make true community ideas come to life, with business and academic offers of the city, so it makes the programme a totally inclusive alternative which upgrade community innovative capacity.
What is innovative about it
The main innovative aspect of this programme is that it constitutes a process of the community to the community. It is great how in Medellin city for the first time the general community was invited to participate in an ideation process without restrictions, where it is the same community who votes for the ideas that they like the most, and that additionally the selected ideas motive the innovative proposals made by the different companies and academic institutions of the city. This kind of process allows not only that the developed product and services are vastly appropriate for the community, but also originated in each person the confidence enough to transform it in permanent generators of ideas that impact the community and additionally it motivates them to be future entrepreneurs. To Ruta N and in general for the city, this is a big achievement because it helps us to consolidate that innovative ecosystem that we want.
What impact has your solution had
During the development of the first step, we sensitized almost 4200 people through direct invitations, conferences, social networks and the strategy denominated ""Caravana de la Innovación"", where personnel associated to the programme visited different suburbs of the city to invite them to participate in the programme. Afterwards, different channels of participation to the community were enabled, where citizens could postulate their ideas. In total that were enabled, almost 190 mailboxes were distributed in the entire city and in the website: www.mimedellí almost 1,893 ideas of the community were received which were evaluated for an expert committee in innovation and development projects. That evaluation was focused to determinate the most voted ideas, which could be implemented through one or more proposals of the academic and business offers of the city and that allow to impact the bigger demographic group possible. At the end of this step, 21 ideas were selected of the community. At the second step, invitations were sent to participate in the different items that constitute the academic and business offer of the city, whereby 129 innovative proposals were obtained motivated for the 21 ideas selected in the previous step. Finally, 7 companies were chosen of the region to materialize the community ideas. Actually, we are developing the final step of the programme that correspond to the final community delivery of the innovative products and services motivated for its ideas. Between the innovative solutions that the programme will deliver, there are devices for drinking rainwater, power generator bikes, self-sustaining eco gardens, gyms for disables, power devices and Internet connectivity to use the sun and others. It hopes that a major quantity of people can be benefit from this innovative developments, because it will be set up in public places and made available in the most open way possible, through administrative entities, governmental or non-governmental that guarantee the sustainability and validity.
Who are the main users
They are all the citizens of the city. While the ideation step anyone can participate, by voting or postulating the idea that they like the most. Moreover, it can help to enjoy the benefits that innovative solutions generate. On the other hand, companies and investigation groups of the city can participate in the presentation of innovative proposal steps, which are motivated from the selected ideas of the initial step, which will be transformed in products and innovative services tha improve the quality of life for the citizens.
Who runs it
Corporación Ruta N is the one that finances and manages the Comuna Innova programme. However, we have the support of CICLO Company that keeps the constant contact with the community and care for the good attitude of the citizens. Furthermore, TECNNOVA is a company that does the technical and financial follow up to the approved proposals in the second step and guarantee the quality of the innovative solutions delivered in the third step. Finally, there are the managers entities that guarantee sustainability and validity of the developed products or services.
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