HSB Living Lab - Sustainable future homes

Keywords: housing, sustainability
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
In 30 years, the number of people living in cities will double. We need to build successful cities in which we develop and integrate sound energy and water infrastructure, functioning roads and transport systems, good social conditions. Cheap sustainable housing is a focus for countries to take care of the urbanization that lies ahead. HSB Living Lab will be a movable, sustainable residential building ready to scale up and implement. The concept of HSB Living Lab can also be used when housing is needed rapidly, for example after a natural disaster. HSB is both a housing association and one of the largest housing developers in Sweden. At present they are conducting combined housing and research projects within Johanneberg Science Park with the aim of developing.
What is the purpose of your solution
HSB Living Lab is planned as a built infrastructure for advanced research on the flows of energy, materials and water through living space and their relationship to state-of-the-art design and technology. Situated in the Johanneberg Science Park district the facility will be a showcase for how individuals can lead a sustainable lifestyle in their home. HSB Living Lab is a residential block of student and guest researcher apartments that will include flexible living units and multifunctional-shared space. Starting in 2014, HSB Living Lab is included in the EU Climate-KIC flagship BTA. Here research will be carried out on a new home energy management system including a comfort parameter sensor network and a user interactive visualization system developed at the Delft University of Technology.
What is innovative about it
HSB Living Lab is an international project with partners from NASA and EU. It is interesting for many countries and can easily be implemented. The need to build cheap sustainable housing is the same all over the world. The building is movable and concepts from the demonstration project can also be used when renovating or building new housing.
What impact has your solution had
International ties already exist to NASA and EU-project. The interest from academia, community and industry, and small and medium sized enterprises, has proven huge. The facility is being built by HSB, who see the developed knowledge, innovation and services as being of benefit for their housing associations. This gives a unique possibility to disseminate solutions to a large number of recipients in a short time. The Lab, which has students as inhabitants, has reached demonstration and development of the future of good living in focus. The project will develop environmental sound, legal, technical, design and sustainable business solutions for mobile sustainable housing that enables shared use of resources and sustainable living.
Who are the main users
Researchers, students, SMEs, municipality and industry.
Who runs it
HSB in collaboration with Johanneberg Science Park and partners like NASA and EU.
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