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32nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation

Experimental Solar Field at the Monterrey Research and Innovation Park (PIIT)

Beijing 2015 poster
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Ignacio Dapic-Rodriguez
  2. Co-authors
    Jaime Parada-Avila,
    Martha Leal-Gonzalez,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    September 2015
  5. Number of pages
By 2020, CO2 emissions should be reduced by half while by 2050 the worlds electric energy demand will duplicate. With this strong motivation, the Innovation and Research Technology Park (PIIT) and Schneider Electrics Design and Innovation Center (MDIC) both based in Monterrey, Mexico have partnered to create an Experimental Solar Field. The partnership between Schneider Electric and the PIIT follows the Triple Helix collaboration scheme, which the state government has incentivized and has had great success. This experimental solar field serves two main purposes that produce significant impact from the technological and socio-economic perspectives. The experimental solar field is found in a world-class prime location as it sits in one of the most favorable sun-radiation belts in the entire world. As a result of the successful operation of the Experimental Solar Field, Mexicos Northern border will prove that it is one of the most attractive places to invest and develop around this type of technology and associated infrastructure.
  1. Conference name
    32nd IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks and Areas of Innovation: New Technologies, New Industries, New Communities
  3. Location
    Beijing, China
  4. Conference start date
    22 September 2015
  5. Conference end date
    25 September 2015