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2006 IASP Asia Divisions Conference on Science and Technology Parks

The Role of Research Institutes in the Cluster Development in Oil Industry

2006_08_31_10 ASPA Annual Conference
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Abbasali Ghadirian
    Ahmad Mousaei
  2. Co-authors
    Maham Tabatabaei,
    Reza Bandarian,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    October 2006
  5. Place of publication
    Isfahan, Iran
  6. Number of pages
Developments have received considerable attention of policy makers and governors. Science and\nTechnology could influence development, if it is directed toward national requirements and country\ncapabilities.\nThe oil industry development should be in the center of considerations. Promoting SME can be a very\nimportant tool for achieving success in that. Base on that forming an industrial cluster with all its\nrequirements is necessary.\nBecause of research institutes role in development, RIPI was given the mission to provide know-how and\nlaunching it to the industry. Therefore a commercializing team was necessary. The duty of the team was\nforming a comprehensive model and implements it within the research centers of RIPI. Comprehensive model\nbase on the current conditions was developed. In this paper after a description of literature review the model\nis presented and its relation with the current RIPI s purpose and the pad way toward oil industrial\ndevelopment is explained.
  1. Conference name
    2006 IASP Asia Divisions Conference on Science and Technology Parks
  2. Conference theme
    "Science Parks: Serving Knowledge-Based Business to Enhance Economic Development"
  3. Location
  4. Conference start date
    16 October 2006
  5. Conference end date
    19 October 2006