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34th IASP World Conference on Science Parks & Areas of Innovation

Wadi Makkah Startups Services Model

2016_08_01_IASP 2017 conference poster
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Mohammad Ibrahim
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    September 2017
  4. Place of publication
    Istanbul, Turkey
  5. Number of pages
This paper describes the delivery model of Wadi Makkah (WM) start‐ups services based on a start‐ups value chain that is both Lean and Agile. Lean emphasize developing an MVP for early market entry toevaluate start‐ups potential as early as possible. It is agile (dynamic) as it is program/process driven notentity/structure driven, and hence entities are activated when needed. This allows managing resources (especially financial) efficiently by deploying when and where they are needed.In addition to early market entry being key to validating start‐ups potential, another important lesson isthat higher investment in services for start‐ups can only be justified if the product is based on a platformthat can lead to several other products (downstream) to ensure market growth and scalability. Anotherlesson is that developing local talent is key for sustainability, but also attracting non‐local talent toleverage non local resources and new markets.
  1. Conference name
    34th IASP World Conference on Science Parks & Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks and Natural Innovation ecosystems: articulating future strategies
  3. Location
    Istanbul, Turkey
  4. Conference start date
    26 September 2017
  5. Conference end date
    29 September 2017