Angers Technopole

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Background information

Founded in 1986, Angers Technopole has more than 30 years of expertise supporting innovation projects. Its first incubator opened its doors in 2000, and went on to form a partnership with regional competitivity clusters five years later.

Rooted in the economic and academic fabric of the local area, the technopole is widely recognized for its skills and expertise in innovation. It is currently home to over 70 SMEs and is incubating or accelerating close to 30 startups. The incubator offers personalised support to entrepreneurs, helping them create viable business plans, identify funding and find partners, while the Operation Renard accelerator offers a 5 month growth programme for digital startups. Workshops, conferences and coaching all help new businesses to successfully scale up. The technopole works closely with university students, as well as offering support to more traditional established companies via the SelanC project, which helps them introduce innovative processes and business practices.

Angers Technopole is the only structure in Maine-et-Loire accredited as a Business and Innovation Centre (BIC). Endowed with this label, it provides resident companies with the keys necessary help innovative business projects to develop and grow, and to integrate innovation in all its forms.

Main sectors include agrifood and plant research, digital, healthtech and IoT.

2017_08_08_Angers TEch
  1. Name
    Angers Technopole
  2. Location
    Angers Cedex 01, France
  1. Website
  2. Twitter profile
  3. Main technology sectors
    Agriculture and Forestry
    Computer Science and Hardwares
    Health & Pharmaceuticals
  4. Type
    Science Park
  5. Member category
    General Contact