European Business Angels Network (EBAN)
EBAN (European Business Angel Network) is the pan-European representative for the early stage investor community, gathering 197 member organisations in 59 countries today. Established in 1999 by a group of pioneer angel networks in Europe with the collaboration of the European Commission and EURADA, EBAN represents a sector estimated to invest 6,6 billion Euros a year and playing a vital role in Europe’s future, notably in the funding of SMEs. EBAN fuels Europe’s growth through the creation of wealth and jobs.
IASP and EBAN have a framework for future cooperation, aimed at being beneficial for the memberships as well as for the associations themselves.
IASP science and technology park (STP) and area of innovation (AOI) members provide services to their resident companies, which are mainly innovation and technology based startups and SMEs, and who require sources of financing and qualified investors. The members of EBAN (and sister networks ABAN, and MBAN (business angels, early stage venture capital, business accelerators etc.) and the WBAF) are always interested in discovering new ideas, companies, people and places to invest in.
- Type:Association
- Member category:General Contact
- Postal address:Rue de la Science 14B, Brussels, 1040
- Country:Belgium
- Phone:+32 2 626 20 60
- Fax:
- General e-mail:
- Website:
- LinkedIn profile:
- Twitter profile:
- Incubation activities:
- Total surface area:0 Square meters