RETIS - France Technopoles Entreprises Innovation
RETIS is the French network dedicated to the valuation, promotion, and professionalization of national innovation ecosystems. It was created more than thirty years ago to advance French innovation and to support innovative projects within national ecosystems. Initially the network was created under the name of France Technopole, then of FTEI (France Technopole Entreprises Innovation) and finally of RETIS. Since 2008, it has established competitiveness and private incubators (backed by higher education establishments).
Members of the RETIS network support the creation and development of innovative businesses on a daily basis and contribute to the economic development of the region. RETIS supports 10,000 companies, and has 80 members which comprise of 800 employees. The network is a platform for knowledge-sharing, giving visibility to its members, disseminating programs and products, and participating in the creation of public innovation policies. RETIS provides services, training and further resources to encourage the innovation actions of its members.
- Type:Association
- Member category:Associate
- Postal address:C/o Startway, 38 rue de Ponthieu, Paris, 75008 Paris
- Country:France
- Phone:+33 4 94 03 89 10
- Fax:
- General e-mail:
- Website:
- LinkedIn profile:
- Twitter profile:
- Incubation activities:
- Total surface area:0 Square meters