Swedish Incubators & Science Parks
Swedish Incubators & Science Parks (SISP) is the Swedish industry association for Sweden's incubators and science parks. SISP has 63 members all over Sweden, which together have more than 5,000 companies with just over 70,000 employees. They develop the world's most efficient innovation ecosystem by adding connections between their members and Sweden's leading universities, companies, public organizations, customer and exit markets.
Being the home of more than 5000 innovative companies and the local hotspots for entrepreneurs, academia and industry, Swedish Incubators & Science Park’s members accelerate economic and societal growth in Sweden through world-class business development and networks. The focus is on knowledge-based, growth-oriented companies and the members together manage about 80 physical venues, offer operational business development, operate or collaborate with clusters as well as have Triple Helix anchoring. Several members also run business angel networks and seed capital funds for early retirement investments in growth companies.
SISP conducts experience exchanges between members and other actors in the innovation system and operates through national dialogue for the best possible conditions for the industry. Members' activities contribute to business renewal, growth and more knowledge-intensive jobs. It also supports and facilitates cooperation and development among its members, partly through national development projects. With SISPs national perspective of the innovation system it also keeps a development dialogue with policy makers and working for the best possible conditions for the industry and foremost for innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs and companies – in order to foster innovation and growth.
- Type:Association
- Member category:Associate
- Postal address:BOX 7534, Stockholm, 103 93
- Country:Sweden
- Phone:+46 707811970
- Fax:
- General e-mail:
- Website:
- Twitter profile:
- Incubation activities:
- Total surface area:0 Square meters