All eyes on IASP Nantes 2019
After concluding a successful World Conference in Isfahan, thanks to the great efforts made by hosts Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT), it is time to look ahead to what our colleagues in Atlanpole, France, are planning for the 36th World Conference IASP Nantes, which will take place from 24-27 September 2019.
A delegation from Atlanpole was with us in Isfahan to spread the word about western France. At the conference Closing Ceremony, they showed a video about the industrial past and innovative future of Nantes and the Atlanpole area of innovation.
Managing Director and past IASP President Jean François Balducchi presented the conference theme “The 4th Industrial Revolution: AOIs and STPs as key boosters for a successful transition”. The 4th Industrial Revolution is defined by the convergence of digital technologies, biotechnologies, and the physics of the infinitely small. Sessions will focus on sharing good practices and debating the huge impact that this latest Industrial Revolution and its technologies is having on the science park industry and the ways in which they may have to change their facilities, structure and infrastructure to continue supporting their resident companies.
At the Closing Ceremony, ISTT President Seyed Mehdi Abtahi officially handed over the IASP conference flag to Jean François Balducchi, who also launched the IASP Nantes website.
Visit to find out more about Atlanpole, Nantes and western France and download the conference Call for Contributions – submit a paper abstract by November 8th for your chance to speak to a global audience at IASP Nantes!
We look forward to seeing you there next year!