IASP shares Technology Transfer expertise in Brussels
IASP Director General Luis Sanz spoke recently at a debate on innovation and technology transfer ecosystems at the European Parliament in Brussels.
Organised by the Joint Research Centre, together with the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and the European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessments panel, the debate explored the important role that science and technology parks, incubators and managed clusters can play in supporting the development of vibrant innovation ecosystems.
Opened by Patrizia Toia (Industry, Research and Energy - ITRE) and Paul Rübig (Science and Technology Options Assessment - STOA), European Commission representatives shared details of recent initiatives, before hearing from science park experts who presented their views on the importance of the design, creation and management of ecosystems supporting innovation and technology transfer. They explored different models of organisation from various countries to facilitate comparative analysis and benchmarking.
IASP members ComoNExt (Italy) and Belgrade Science Park (Serbia) spoke alongside Luis Sanz, who described how science parks and areas of innovation devise mechanisms to support tech transfer via epistemic osmosis.
Luis Sanz commented: “Science parks and areas of innovation build and curate one of the playgrounds where the transfer of knowledge and technology happens with more intensity and fluidity, thanks to a number of programmes and mechanisms, together with a dynamic networking among the actual actors of the tech transfer chain. In other words, science parks develop an ambiance for a true ‘epistemic osmosis’ to happen.”