
Join us at IASP Virtual 2021!

29 June 2021
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IASP Virtual

At this year’s IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation, our international speakers will gather online to discuss "Beyond disruptions and resets: the resilience of innovation ecosystems." 

Resilience is the ability to cope with a crisis, and time and time again innovation ecosystems around the world have proved their remarkable capacity to do just that. As highly connected spaces filled with innovative people, they have demonstrated their ability to respond to challenges and adapt to rapidly changing conditions, continually innovating and supporting their local communities as we emerge from a year of crisis. We have seen unprecedented disruptions to the way we work and the way we live, and at IASP Virtual 2021, we’ll be exploring the resilience of STPs and AOIs, the difficulties they faced, and how these unique communities got through hard times via innovation, adaptability and the capacity to connect.

Join us online from 28th-30th September to examine the mechanisms they use to turn adversity into opportunity, navigating the global disruption and resets of the pandemic to stay at the vanguard of change.

With knowledge sharing content from 14h-17h CEST on September 28th and 29th, pre- and post-programme networking activities and exclusive content for IASP members on September 30th, it will be a great opportunity to catch up on the latest trends in our industry and to connect with your global colleagues.

This year registration is completely free, and is now open – click here to sign up, and save the dates in your diary!

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