Technopolis Moscow companies step up to help local hospitals
Companies based in Technopolis Moscow have stepped up to support their city’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, donating medical supplies and adapting production facilities to meet the needs of healthcare workers and hospitals in Moscow and across Russia.
One of these is Additive Engineering, who have adapted their 3D printing facilities in order to manufacture protective reusable respirators made of polyamides, valves for breathing systems and touchless devices. Other difficult to source components for breathing equipment and bacterial-virus filters were donated free to state hospitals by Chirana + together with its Belarusian partner Assomedica.
“The company has worked on the territory of Technopolis since last July, and now its capacity allows for the production of 100 medical units per month. At the same time the manufacturer is able to increase the production as the conditions of the special economic zone make it possible,” commented Alexander Prokhorov, Head of the Department of investment and industrial policy of the City of Moscow.
1200 mobile ICU ambulances across Russia and a local emergency ward are receiving help from Medplant, in the form of breathing systems, respirators, pulse oximeters, syringe dosimeters and capnographs. The Technopolis Moscow company has been equipping emergency vehicles for 20 years, and has doubled its production since March to help the local community through the pandemic crisis.
Another resident company, MacroOptica, will manufacture infrared scanners for touchless temperature control for Moscow workers: the optoelectronic instrument-making company has rapidly shifted its production to provide the capital with 10,000 new specialised thermometers, which went from design stage to manufacturing in just 2 months, using only nationally produced components.
Orthomoda is another company that has converted its production capacities, allowing the team to make vital protective clothing for healthcare workers: they have allotted one sewing workshop for the double shift production of 1000 waterproof protective suits, Disinfection is also key in the fight against COVID-19, and TZMOI has increased production to meet the need of Russian hospitals for sterilizers and disinfection equipment for reusable medical tools.
“Technopolis Moscow has organized quick response manufacturing of the equipment for disinfection to supply to eight infectious hospitals and modified isolation wards in health care centers of the country. Among them are the hospital #40 in Kommunarka, child infectious hospital #6 and Botkin hospital in Saint-Petersburg,” specified Gennady Degtev, CEO of SEZ Technopolis Moscow.
SEZ Technopolis Moscow comprises five sites (Technopolis Moscow in Pechatniki, Alabushevo, Mikron, Angstrem, MIET) with a total area of 206.8 ha. Special economic zone in Moscow is one of the few ones in Russia and around the world with both greenfield and brownfield facilities. To find out more about them, please visit