Network IQ Alliance
Network Intelligence (nIQ) is a system-changing methodology developing digital competencies at the ecosystem level for innovation and networking. It empowers purpose-driven entrepreneurial people to amplify growth opportunities from the networks they build to innovate better, faster and have long-term resilience.
This project aims to mainstream nIQ. Our 2030 vision is that through Network Intelligence, we will create systemic impact in higher education at the institutional level by integrating innovation and entrepreneurship into the core strategies of HEIs, building leadership capacity to execute them, and connecting them better with their city-level ecosystems and globally.
The project is split into two phases.
The pilot phase will support:
- 5 innovative SMEs via multidisciplinary research teams
- 130 students with nIQ skills for developing innovation, fundraising, global market access including 15 students mentored
- 15 academic staff trained and 5 mentored in nIQ to embed in their HEI’s innovation/entrepreneurship education
- 15 non-academic staff trained and 5 mentored to embed nIQ in their HEI’s strategy and processes
- Establishing 2 nIQ ‘Train-the-Trainer’ centres at HEIs for mainstreaming the methodology
- Forming 1 new collaborative partnership in the Knowledge Triangle
More will be developed over the course of the project.
● Tataj Innovation
● IASP - International Association Of Science Parks And Areas Of Innovation
● La Salle Barcelona
● Medical University of Lodz
● South East Technological University
● University of Applied Science
● Lukasiewicz Research Network Institute of Organisation and Management in Industry
● Poznan University of Technology
● Institute of Urban and Regional Development
● Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Spain
Consortium members
- Start date:04 July 2022
- End date:31 December 2024
- Reference:
- URL:
- Overall budget
- Project financing
- Project funding
- EU financing
- Research area:
- Programme:
- Challenge:
- Social medias: