Innovation Lift «schoolchild-student-entrepreneur»

Keywords: education, incubation, networking
Launch date:
01 October 2014
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
Moscow State University Science Park mission is to set up the environment for formation and development of high tech enterprises. For implementation of such a model the path generation system has been developed starting from school, continued by university studies support and resulting in new companies. The network of infrastructure elements has been developed in Science Park, long-term acceleration programs and various events are ongoing, the pool of partners has been brought up together.
What is the purpose of your solution
The important element is maintaining innovative environment, informal community of entrepreneurs where young innovators have good chances for development, sharing of experience and coming into their own. In the course of communication children that were not familiar with each other before would put together project teams and resolve important issues. Later on such projects can result in individual startups and businesses and talented children would become valuable personnel resource. The aim of Science Park is to monitor such children, provide support in developing individual educational path and implementation of their own projects and in case of viability undertake business incubation of prospective ideas with attraction of investments and market entry. Such projects in future can prove to be the best residents and partners!
What is innovative about it
The elements of innovative infrastructure: Youth Innovative Creativity Center (YICC). Its mission is to grant opportunities for execution of innovative and creative ideas. The peculiarity of YICC is its hospitability both for residents and out-side innovators, as well as focus on children and young people engagement. Annual Science Festival at MSU and educative entertainment events for younger school children (""Physical Fireworks"") can serve as an example for such means and measures. At the first event the initial mass acquaintance is taking place (more than 10000 thousands people per day pass the standard demonstrative stand) during the second event a profound involvement is ensured by scientific show and simple experiments by children themselves, in that case number of participants is from 50 to 100 persons. The activities with schoolchildren are supplemented by cooperation with partners network, namely: - Regular childrens scientific-technical camps where children execute their own projects - Cooperation with schools at MSU - Cooperation with all-Russian youth competitions - Cooperation with operating innovative companies Activities with students: Activities with students are aimed at encouraging their initial scientific developments, guaranteeing expert support, helping to put together a team and verifying projects from the perspective of setting up business. Other important target is forming a youth personnel reserve with high loyalty to Science Park. The mechanisms that are applied are as follows: - Support young university scientists by allocation of mini grants - For the purpose of knowledge sharing and obtaining all-round experience practical studies abroad are organized for young entrepreneurs. - Special acceleration programs are undertaken on a regular basis since 2004 annualy (Success Formula, IT Formula, BIO Formula, Engineering Formula, Biotech Formula). MSU Science Park provides the young businesses with the following levels of support: Consulting support ongoing and project consulting: - Mentoring - Industry expertise and project assessment - Business plans development - Recruiting support (use of youth programs personnel reserve ) - Search for international partners and sites for soft-landing Financial support multilevel support system: - Support in drawing funds from private investors and government entities ( Start, Commercialization, Development Program, grants from RVC (Russian Venture Company), IIDF (Internet Initiative Development Fund), etc.) - Direct investments from our captive seed fund - Deal structuring support Engineering support means for prompt project implementation - Support in prototyping on modern equipment at YICC, structure performance, testing, design deficiency detection - Support in launching serial production - Industrial design and engineering support
What impact has your solution had
For the period of YICC operation it has been visited by more than 3000 people, having hold dozens of events, and a lot of innovative projects have been executed on the basis of the Center equipment. In program Formula only around 150 persons from 500 applicants pass the competition. After half a year of intensive studies and trainings project teams are put together to initiate own businesses (10-15 per year). The results of activities over the period of program Formula implementation are as follows creation of more than 60 companies most of which has become our residents and customers of additional services of MSU Science Park. Establishing and support of «schoolchild-student-entrepreneur» competence development system allows MSU Science Park to maintain manageable, flexible and self-support structure that can not only set up new businesses but ensure inflow of young specialists and new projects. Thus, involvement of young people from school days would provide the Park with high-tech firms-residents and would become a successful development formula in future. As a result MSU science park have almost full occupancy (90-95%) even in crisis, premium above the market rent price (+20-25%) and about 25% of income from value added services.
Who are the main users
Park management team, young professionals and talented young people, high-tech firms-residents who participate in the programs of acceleration and recruit young professionals.
Who runs it
Realization of the project managed by the head of the Moscow State University Science Park. It generates the strategy, provides succession and continuity elements of the system. For the individual components of the system responsible project managers. They monitor the achievement of goals and implementation of performance indicators.
For more solutions from IASP member MSU Science Park click here