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Inspiring Solutions
ScaleUp Champions
2019_10_04_Poland_Poznan Science and Technology Park
By Poznan Science and Technology Park, Year 2021 2nd place winner, located in Poland
Keywords: innovation, startups
Main users: Resident companies or institutions
Launch date: 
01 December 2019
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
Helping to scale up innovative businesses and support startups to achieve market success, ScaleUp Champions connects different European deep-tech startup ecosystems and supports cross-border activities to standardize growth.
What is the purpose of your solution
The ScaleUp Champions works to equalise scale up opportunities for startups across Europe and connects startup ecosystems at different stage of development. It Increases connection among deep-tech startup ecosystems, their companies, and the wider European business ecosystem. It increases access to customers, qualified employees, and the right combination of finance and prospects for scaling up across borders. It also stimulates European investment in deep-tech digital sectors through increasing cross-border investment.
What is innovative about it
One of the main innovations of the project is to standardize growth routes and scalability of startups throughout Europe. To achieve this, five European STPs (Poznan Science and Technology Park, Poland (coordinator) La Salle Technova Barcelona and La Salle-URL, Spain; DTU Skylab, Denmark; Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol, Estonia; Kaunas Science and Technology Park, Lithuania) are working together on a single and unique cross-border acceleration program. Together they are fostering collaboration between all five ecosystems and their agents: startups, mentors, experts, companies and investors.
What impact has your solution had
To date the project has established a common collaboration framework between participating STPs, and developed an experience-sharing methodology among project partners that fosters the collaboration between 5 different European startup incubators. 21 corporates and 71 startups participated in the 1st round of the startup/corporate program, leading to 54 b2b meetings, while 26 corporates launched challenges for the 2nd round. 7 corporates and 10 startups continued the collaboration and are developing real projects together. 108 challenges for deep tech solutions were launched, 8 webinars organized with 418 participants. 5 pan-European 3-month (online) incubation programs took place with 22 startups. In total, almost 600 deep-tech startups have participated in the project activities, with individual investment readiness plans developed for 49 startups. Almost 250 investors have been involved, 4.5k deep-tech startups, 160+ investors, 80+ corporates, and 2k+ new visitor searches.
Who are the main users
Deep-tech startups are connected with mentors, investors, and corporates across Europe, corporations can explore hand-picked startups and technologies, investors can screen startups from different countries and various deep-tech fields. It also involves mentors and experts.

Who runs it
Poznan Science and Technology Park – Poland (coordinator) • La Salle Technova Barcelona and La Salle-URL – Spain • DTU Skylab – Denmark • Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol – Estonia • Kaunas Science and Technology Park – Lithuania
For more solutions from IASP member Poznan Science and Technology Park click here