STP recruiting tool

Keywords: HR, networking
Launch date:
17 November 2015
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
The recruiting tool shows several stages and can be upgraded. The idea is a centralized recruiting service offered by STP with various levers such as implementation of central career portal at STP website, use of third party career portal and bundled approach at career fairs. By gathering SMEs and their needs as STP not only a bundled brand effect might occur, but also workflow for registration and entry fees can be reduced. At career fairs, attraction can be yielded through specials events such as stimuli-events like podium discussions about certain topics, i.e. fields of excellence within the park and the connected enterprises.
What is the purpose of your solution
Often a time SMEs face difficulties recruiting appropriate employees. Due to a lack of competencies and awareness but also time constraints, many tend to simply use career platforms and neglect the variety of recruiting possibilities. Through a recruiting tool offered by STP, especially SME tenants might benefit primarily in terms of time and monetary constraints but also in presentation. Easing up presence at career fairs also yield entire brand effects for SMEs being a part of the STP.
What is innovative about it
An entire approach as STP for recruiting issues of tenant companies, giving more presence especially to smaller enterprises.
What impact has your solution had
The tool should be seen as service development of STP, enhance presence of STP and tenant companies, significantly help SMEs for recruiting issues and connect tenant companies throughout the park.
Who are the main users
SMEs. Bigger enterprises merely got their own HR-department and therefore channels for recruiting.
Who runs it
Lakeside Science & Technology Park Marketing
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