Transform scientific research outputs to industrial prototypes

Keywords: knowledge sharing, networking
Launch date:
26 March 2018
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
Empowering R&D and innovation to generate local electronics industry that directly contribute to raising the rates of economic growth, Transfer modern technology through partnership with specialized international research institutes, universities and science parks, Transfer & exchange communications services and information technology through partnership with the private sector,Significant impact on the national economy through gathering between industry and scientific research in one place common.
What is the purpose of your solution
To make the STPERI the first electronics science park in Egypt in Electronics industry and one of the unique specialized science parks in Africa and MENA region that addresses the local and regional markets in the ever growing electronics, communication and IT industries.
What is innovative about it
This solution can ehnances the performance of the STPERI
What impact has your solution had
- Work to transfer and convert knowledge to impact on socio economic development. - Create new jobs and add functionality with high quality in new technology sectors. - Provide a research base to support innovation and technology development, whether local or international. - The formation and the creation of new technological companies with new investments. - Fill the gap between innovation / research outputs and market demands.
Who are the main users
The STPERI groups
Who runs it
The STPERI president and the STPERI groups
For more solutions from IASP member Science & Technology Park for Electronics Research & Industry click here