A Virtual Science Park Provides Innovation Opportunities to Drive the Global Marketplace
- AuthorsFullNameWithTitle2:Kyle Kilback
- Co-authorsFullNameWithTitle2:Jason Kell,
- Publisher
- Publication dateSeptember 2023
- Place of publicationLuxembourg
- Number of pages4
- Keywords
- Technology sectors
A world economy is closer than ever but continues to face challenges in the forms of protectionist policies, political and social tensions, and regulation. As the world progressively moves towards a virtual space, brick-and-mortar science parks, which are built to foster collaboration and innovation, are becoming increasingly disadvantaged.
These physical spaces work to provide businesses with access to local talent and shared local laboratories, which inherently inhibit globalisation. In order to move beyond borders to a global economy, we need to find ways to alleviate the restrictions of borders without physically removing them.
A virtual science park can provide a borderless innovation ecosystem to house data on talent (in the form of companies, researchers, and students), lab assets, and challenges faced by industry around the world.
- Conference name40th IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation
- Conference themeMegatrends in Innovation Ecosystems: What are the impacts for STPs & AOIs?
- LocationLuxembourg, Luxembourg
- Start date12-09-2023
- End date15-09-2023