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29th IASP World Conference 2012

Milan Chamber of Commerce delocalization model of innovation support tools

2011_05_31_Poster 2012 Tallinn_FINAL_low
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Mr. Attilio MARTINETTI
  2. Co-authors
    Eleonora Gonnella,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    June 2012
  5. Place of publication
    Tallinn, Estonia
  6. Number of pages
The Milan Chambers of Commerce is developing new tools to support SMEs growth which could serve as example for STPs. Services are offered both directly through the several departments of the Chamber and in cooperation with other local innovation stakeholders. The idea is to reply to the needs of the entrepreneurial system by offering services spread throughout the city instead of concentrated in a single place. This approach responds to the need of change connected with a knowledge-based society. The city shows a mixture of different sectors which leads to the adoption of new business models, as networks and collaborative innovation. The development of networking and communication technologies have reduced the importance of physical places. Large manufacturing companies are giving way to professionals and small players less rooted on the territory. In this context the Chamber of Commerce plays an important role collecting companies needs and promoting opportunities, through cooperation with public and private actors.
  1. Conference name
    29th IASP World Conference 2012
  2. Conference theme
    Science and Technology Parks: Serving the Companies and the Innovation Community
  3. Location
    Tallinn, Estonia
  4. Conference start date
    17 June 2012
  5. Conference end date
    20 June 2012