Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation & Technology Park Limited
The Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (HSITP) will be an I&T specialised park located in Hong Kong, conjointly tied to Shenzhen to support the local technology scene. Taking advantage of the “one zone, two parks” synergistic development by the government, the park has received support and state-of-the-art infrastructure to create pioneering research facilities in the area, aiming to proactively accelerate cutting edge innovation and technology in the market for the benefit of the local community by creating a world leading knowledge hub and I&T centre.
HSITP works on creating an open collaboration platform for knowledge exchange and applied research, which will then benefit its residents when entering the market, developing new innovations in life & health, microelectronics, new materials, robotics, new energy, and AI. The park estimates finishing its first set of buildings between 2024-2027, which will directly create 52000 I&T jobs and occupy 87 hectares.
- NameHong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation & Technology Park Limited
- LocationHong Kong, China

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- Main technology sectorsName:BiotechnologyName:Computer Science and HardwaresName:EnergyName:Health & Pharmaceuticals
- TypeScience Park
- Member categoryAffiliate