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30th IASP World Conference

Regional Stimulus - Closed Loop Design EcoSciencePark: Net Zero Energy, Water, Food, Waste and Biofuel

2012_06_08_Poster 2013 Recife_FINAL_low
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Bruce Haxton
    Peter Why
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    October 2013
  4. Place of publication
    Recife, Brazil
  5. Number of pages
The Closed Loop Design EcoSciencePark© is to be; Net Zero Energy, Water, Food, Waste, and Biofuels Science Park, promoting environmental, economic, and educational sustainability. The Life Style Science Park development catches and reuses water, produces it own food, recycles everything on site, and makes biofuel for the farming. The Magnet University and adjacent incubators /accelerators will develop intellectual property and thereby create companies with future high technology employment. The design is to be customized for the regional technology of a specific area that it is meant to support, thereby becoming a Technology HUB for a technology cluster. In developed countries the Technology HUB is a systematic why to customize technology support: 1) economic development, 2) high technology education, and 3) low energy and environmental footprint. A smaller version could be developed for developing countries to promote: 1) economic development, 2) sustainable water and soil solutions, and 3) educational development.
  1. Conference name
    30th IASP World Conference
  2. Conference theme
    Science parks shaping new cities
  3. Location
    Recife, Brazil
  4. Conference start date
    14 October 2013
  5. Conference end date
    17 October 2013