Technopark Slava JSC

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Background information

Technopark Slava is located in Moscow and houses more than 80 small and medium sized enterprises, all technology and innovation focused. It was established in 2008 as an initiative of Moscow City Government, and is run by the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship in Moscow.

The park offers a range of facilities to help companies to develop their high-tech business, launch laboratories and begin production. Resident companies have the opportunity to use the Business Center, classrooms, conference and exhibit halls, laboratories and the equipment in the open access technology centre. Companies are also provided with a range of administrative, logistical, financial, information, marketing and other services to support them as they effectively commercialise their products.

Infrastructure at Technopark Slava includes 9 buildings with total floorspace of 31,000m2, located on a 2.8 hectare site. Main sectors include ICT, biomedical technologies, medical equipment and materials; energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy safety, analytical and control equipment and nanotechnology and nanomaterials. The dedicated technology centre specialises in nanotechnology and nanomaterials, including 4 modular laboratories for development, research, and testing of nanomaterials and their properties, accomplishing applied scientific and technical tasks.

Key sectors include biomedical technologies, medical equipment and materials< energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy safety; mechatronics and robotics; information and communication technologies; analytical and control equipment and nanotechnology.

  1. Name
    Technopark Slava JSC
  2. Location
    Moscow, Russia
  1. Website
  2. Main technology sectors
    Computer Science and Hardwares
    Health & Pharmaceuticals
  3. Type
    Science Park
  4. Member category
    General Contact