
Peers around the world: Cultivating innovation and community at Potsdam Science Park

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Agnes von Matuschka, CEO, Potsdam Science Park, © Standortmanagement Golm GmbH/sevens[+]maltry
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In this edition of "Peers Around the World," we talk with Agnes von Matuschka, CEO of Standortmanagement Golm GmbH, the management and development entity behind Potsdam Science Park. Agnes has been instrumental in transforming the park into a leading innovation hub. She shares insights into the strategic initiatives driving the park’s growth, the role of EU funding, and her approach to fostering a vibrant community of international scientists. 

Since you began leading Potsdam Science Park, what have been the key strategic elements you’ve implemented to guide its development? How do you measure the socio-economic impact on the local and regional community?

Our shareholders have set goals for  Potsdam Science Park, such as establishing 100 companies in the park and attract 1000 new talents. How do we go about this? My team and I have focused on the strengthening of the community, public relations and marketing, tech transfer and the promotion of start-ups. Diversity and health issues as well as sustainability play a key role in our daily work for and with the science community at the park. We measure our impact by documenting growth in regard to the companies established, their number of employees and revenue, and we evaluate continuously the events, numbers of participants and key topics of particular interest. We are currently developing KPIs and key measures for sustainability, in collaboration with all the residents in the park.

The site upon which Potsdam Science Park is built has undergone a significant transformation over the years. Can you share the journey of how it evolved into a leading science and innovation hub?

The Potsdam Science Park has undergone a significant transformation, evolving from a purely scientific centre with renowned research institutes into a thriving innovation and business hub. Interestingly, this shift followed a decade of stagnation during which the site failed to expand despite available commercial space. The current dynamic growth owes much to strategic investments by the state capital Potsdam, the University of Potsdam, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor, and Energy.

Over the years, key developments have played a crucial role. In 2008 and 2021, the establishment of two technology and start-up centrrs (dedicated laboratory buildings) aimed to retain spin-offs from the research institutes within the park. Additionally, in 2018, the state capital Potsdam and the University of Potsdam jointly acquired the site management company Standortmanagement Golm GmbH, which now serves as a comprehensive resource for the entire park. Since 2018, the site management has secured ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) project funds of the European Union, co-financed by the ministry.

These momentums encouraged private project developers to invest in land acquisition, leading to the construction of additional laboratory and office buildings. Notably, the city of Potsdam has allocated further land as commercial space for companies and project developers, 60% of it is already handed to commercial developers or companies.

The continuous collaborative efforts of the Task Force Golm—a group comprising representatives from the ministries of the federal State of Brandenburg, the city of Potsdam, and further stakeholders—have been instrumental in promoting the economic development of the Potsdam Science Park. In 2014, the Task Force even traveled to the Nordic countries to study successful models, which significantly influenced the commitment of all parties involved.

Looking ahead, our primary challenge lies in securing long-term financing for the site management (Standortmanagement Golm GmbH) beyond the ERDF funding period. Intensive discussions with residents, ministries, and the state capital Potsdam are ongoing, and we recently revisited the Nordics in 2023 to gain further insights.

Connectivity and accessibility are vital for the success of any science park. How do you view the importance of these factors for Potsdam Science Park, and what plans are in place to improve connectivity and develop the surrounding area to support the park’s growth?

In the upcoming years, the Potsdam Science Park will undergo significant expansion, nearly doubling its current size. This expansion plan includes measures by the state capital Potsdam to revitalise the centre of the district, of which the science park is an integral part, to a ‘New Center Potsdam-Golm’ by adding public squares, a hotel, commercial spaces, apartments, and a mobility hub to reduce car traffic on site. The goal is to enhance the overall quality of the park. Additionally, there will be an expansion of commercial areas and a residential zone with social amenities and sports facilities.

 A crucial requirement for this development is the existing centrally located regional rail station within the park. Regional trains from this station connect citizens, our commuters and guests to downtown Berlin, BER Airport, and northern Berlin. Our ongoing efforts focus on further improving these transportation links. Many employees and students already use the extensive network of bike paths within the green cultural landscape and parks of Potsdam, and initiatives like the annual CITY CYCLING campaign aim to encourage even more people to choose bicycles and share information about the most valued cycling routes.

Potsdam Science Park is renowned for being a key innovation hub in the life sciences and biotechnology, attracting scientists and researchers from around the world. What support structures are in place to help new arrivals settle in and feel part of the community?

Our Welcome Service provides essential support for international employees at the Max Planck Institutes and affiliated companies. We assist with housing searches, school-related matters, and connecting individuals with English-speaking physicians. To facilitate a smooth transition, we organise regular meetups, after-work gatherings, and seasonal events like Advent wreath-making and city tours.

One particularly successful networking initiative is the annual ‘Cook for a Scientist’ event, where residents of our local district invite our scientists from the science park to a shared meal. Additionally, we operate a language school within the park, offering German courses for scientists in small groups and English lessons for administrative staff across institutions. These courses also serve as valuable networking opportunities.

Our hope is that international employees will quickly feel at home and choose to remain at the site beyond their academic degrees, potentially joining one of the local companies.

What advice would you give to young women aspiring to enter the fields of technology and innovation? How can they prepare themselves to take on leadership roles in this dynamic industry? 

To work in technology, it takes a lot of study and dedication to build a solid knowledge base that gives you confidence to face the natural challenges of any innovation process. Combine knowledge with confidence, hard work, honesty, persistence, and humility to manifest your full potential according to your aspirations and dreams. If this path makes you happy, everything is possible.

Enjoy the journey and stay cheerful because the path is often long and filled with obstacles. We need to always be refreshed and in youthful spirits. Celebrate every small achievement, value those by your side, and recognise that we don't accomplish anything alone. Never stop studying; knowledge is limitless and, when shared generously, keeps you at the forefront. Lastly, understand that leadership is a behaviour built on ethical and professional authority, not just a job title or formal position.

Access to EU funding can significantly boost the capabilities of science parks. How has Potsdam Science Park benefited from such funding, and what future opportunities are you exploring to further enhance the park’s development and innovation potential?

Our ERDF funding by the European Union is currently in place until the end of 2025. With this financial support, we’re implementing several key initiatives. These include facilitating collaboration between local companies and scientific institutions, establishing a Startup Academy, and enhancing sustainability efforts across the site. Additionally, we’re developing and implementing a prototype for shared infrastructure usage. As part of our strategic approach, we’re also launching marketing and social media campaigns, including the introduction of  site ambassadors of the Potsdam Science Park.

Overall, funds play a crucial role in raising the international profile of our site and attracting new companies.While securing funding is essential for achieving well-defined project goals, it’s fundamental that these goals align closely with our overall objectives. Administrative efforts are significant, so applying for funding solely for the sake of it—without a clear purpose—can lead to short-lived results. Our focus remains on sustainable impact beyond the project’s duration.

Balancing the interests of shareholders and stakeholders at Potsdam Science Park can be challenging. Is there a personal decision from your early career that you consider significant and that might have led you to this role? Additionally, how do you recharge and find new energy when you are not at work?

After leading the start-up service at TU Berlin for over a decade, I was drawn to the challenge of working with an even broader range of stakeholders. The transition has been rewarding—I’m fortunate to have an excellent team of supportive women, and our collaboration with the local community is both very friendly and professional. Furthermore networking through the worldwide IASP network provides valuable insights and a broader perspective on our work.

On a personal note, I relish daily cycling in the picturesque cultural landscape of Potsdam. And when faced with significant challenges, I find solace in singing with my choir.



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02-09-2024 21:26
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    A very insightful interview, thank you.
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