Global speakers confirmed for IASP Nantes
With less than 90 days to go until our next World Conference IASP Nantes, we are delighted to announce that details of the scientific programme are now available on the event website. Take a look at to see what hot topics our global speakers will be addressing in September!
Keynote speaker from the aeronautics sector
Our colleagues at Atlanpole are also pleased to confirm that Alain Tropis, Head of Digital Design Manufacturing & Services at Airbus, will be joining us as Keynote Speaker. Alain began his career in 1983 at Aerospatiale, working on the development of the composite outer wing as a Structural Analysis specialist, and is currently leading a key transformation programme that will shape the way we design, build and operate our future products. Alain received the Award Title Charles Sharpe Beecher Prize in 1993 and he received the “Medaille de l’Aeronautique” in 2014.
Speakers from around the world
A total of 60 papers from 20 countries were approved, 40 for oral presentation and another 20 for publication in the conference proceedings. The conference theme “The 4th Industrial Revolution: areas of innovation and science parks as key boosters for a successful transition” has attracted some thought-provoking contributions on the opportunities and challenges the future will hold for our industry, the ways in which STPs and AOIs are preparing for a digital world, and the new structures they are deploying to support their companies. Delegates will also hear from some fast-growing startups, who will present their innovative products in some of the key technology sectors of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Invited speakers will include Dr. Yves Lostanlen from Element AI, a growing Canadian company that delivers AI software products designed to make businesses stronger, safer and more agile in fintech, insurtech and supply chain, Dr Markus Thomas Münter, Professor of Economics at htw saar in Saarbrücken, Germany, and co-founder of a consultancy supporting SMEs to develop sustainable innovation strategies, leverage digitalization and re-position in a disruptive environment with blurring market and industry boundaries, and Philippe Roger, Director General of Orange Consulting (France).
Early bird discount ends 30th June
Organisers have extended the early bird discount period until June 30th, so if you haven't booked and paid for your place yet, there are still a couple of days left before full fees apply. Book now at to reserve your place at the lower rate!