
Knowledge sharing from IASP

29 September 2021
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The IASP 2020 Virtual publication

Despite all of the upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, IASP has been working hard to develop new knowledge sharing tools and initiatives in order to bring the global intelligence of our network to members.

As announced at the IASP General Assembly held on 30th September, in addition to publications produced from the IASP Latin America Division and Africa Division, IASP is also delighted to announce a new publication - 'Knowledge Sharing in Virtual times'. This provides everyone a souvenir of what was discussed during IASP 2020, our first ever virtual conference. This publication draws together valuable insights and tips on a wide range of topics from our industry from the 120 speakers and moderators that particiapted in this great event. 

There will be a similar knowledge souvenir from IASP 2021, held on 28-29 September, with the key takeaways from our panellists and keynote speakers. Work has already begun, and we'll keep you posted!

In addition to the conference sessions, this year's IASP Virtual saw the announcement of the winners of three initiatives from the annual IASP Inspiring Solutions Programme, now in its 8th edition. Over this time, there have been submissions of some truly inspiring ideas and projects, and IASP has developed a special section of the website to host all of these solutions as best practices, enabling all website visitors to browse, gain knowledge and eventually be inspired to inmplement some of them in their own STPs/AOIs.

Lastly, there was the annoucement of the IASP STP Self Assessment Tool, developed by Warwick Enterprise in collaboration with IASP. This software, already operative, provides an automated system that quickly gives the user an impression of how their STP is performing. Although the tool uses quantitative methods to provide “scores” it is the qualitative interpretation of these scores provided by the tool that is important. The philosophy behind the self-assessment tool is that any STP is set in the context of a national or regional innovation ecosystem and its performance should be measured by how well it “fits” with or complements other actors in the ecosystem in building a more vibrant and supportive system for innovators and their companies. 

The tool is now entering a beta phase and any Full IASP members are welcome to try it. Contact projects@iasp.ws for more details or to try it out! 

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